January 7, 2022 Update

GOVERNOR’S HIGHLIGHTS:Budget Update: Comptroller Susana Mendoza paid off the final $302 million payment on a $2 billion loan the state took out in 2020 to cover COVID-19 expenses. Comptroller Mendoza estimated…

December 17, 2021 Update

GOVERNOR’S HIGHLIGHTS:New Laws: Governor JB Pritzker signed a trailer bill –HB2791 (Slaughter/Peters) –  to the Reimagine Public Safety Act (RPSA), which established the Office of Firearm Violence Prevention (OFVP). Community organizations looking…

December 10, 2021 Update

GOVERNOR’S HIGHLIGHTS:New Laws: Governor Pritzker signed HB1975 (Mussman/Bennet) which is designed to protect students from sexual abuse. The legislation expands the definition of grooming in the criminal code, increases resources and protections for sexual…

December 3, 2021 Update

GOVERNOR’S HIGHLIGHTS:New Laws: Governor Pritzker signed the new congressional maps into law – HB1291 (Hernandez/Harmon).  Read the Governor’s press release here. Other new laws include:HB594 (Hoffman/Lightford) an omnibus sunset extension and technical clean-up bill.HB1976 (DeLuca/Fine) which changes the effective…

November 12, 2021 Update

GOVERNOR’S HIGHLIGHTS:New Laws: Governor Pritzker signed SB 1169 which creates a new section of the Health Care Right of Conscience Act pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic providing that “It is not a violation…

November 6, 2021 Update

GOVERNOR’S HIGHLIGHTS:Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker traveled to Europe this week for economic development talks. Joining him on the trip are Senate President Don Harmon and House Speaker Emmanuel “Chris” Welch. The Governor…